Next Sunday (5 November) is All Saints Day. Join us for a Solemn Eucharist for this special day in the church’s calendar.
The All Souls Requiem will be celebrated on Thursday 2nd November at l0:30am . At this service, we remember and pray for the souls of departed family and friends. Do put the date in the diary, and arrange to come along, especially if you have not been to this commemoration before.
Remembrance Sunday is on November 12th, and the Annual Service of Remembrance for those who died in war will be at 6-30pm.
The Mission to Seafarers Bazaar is on 26th November – at a NEW VENUE – Antwerp Harbour Hotel. Take tram 6 to Groendaal;
or there’s parking at Kinepolis. See the fliers and posters in Church for fuIl details, or ask Fr Brian! Tombola tickets are also available.
The St Boniface Christrnas Fayre is on December 2nd. We need lots of helpers, and more importantly, lots of visitors.
The Carol Service is on Sunday December 17th at 6-30pm.